It could be argued that the market for plunge saws in the UK is smaller than that of other parts of America and Europe.

Sometimes called a track saw, many believe that woodworkers and tradespeople can get by with a circular saw and jigsaw working in conjunction. This is because the circular saw will do the brunt of the work and the largest jobs, while the jigsaw is well suited to the smaller, more fiddly jobs.

However, here at Kendal Tools & Machinery, we believe the plunge saw is an essential power tool for more people than you would expect, as its major benefits can only be matched by using multiple tools- costing valuable time and money.

So why should we all be buying plunge saws? Read on to find out more.

  1. Plunge saws can be used alongside guide rails

Humans are not infallible, and many trades find the noisy, hot, and sometimes dirty sites they work on can be distracting, causing them to make errors which then have to be rectified.

The wonder of the plunge saw, and guide rail duo means that this is much less likely to happen, saving precious time on site.

The plunge saw slots neatly into its corresponding guide track, keeping the saw rigid and steady, helping users complete cuts quickly with increased accuracy.

The guide track will ensure 100% truth to the line of cut and increases a user’s control over the saw, especially useful when using materials that may need multiple passes of the blade to make the cut, like laminates.

  1. Accurate, every time.

Setting up your new plunge saw and guide rails is quick, and straightforward, and requires zero faff when adjusting the depth of the cut.

This means that you can quickly and easily set up and start cutting without spending hours adjusting the settings.

All Scheppach plunge saw sets come with simple usage instructions, hundreds of videos that give extra information can be very easily found on the internet if you need more help, and our friendly experts are always happy to lend a hand if needed.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today- we’re more than happy to help.

  1. Perform a wide range of cuts with a plunge saw

Think bevel and mitre cuts are beyond a plunge saw? Think again.

All you need is a couple of pieces of sacrificial timber, a great use for your off-cuts, a guide rail and the correct depth setting.

Simply undo the front and rear bevel clamps of the plunge saw, choose the necessary angle of cut and off you go!

  1. Perfect for insulation

Plunge saws are also perfect for cutting and shaping insulation.

Roofers, rejoice.

Minimise mess and cut accurately at the correct angle to easily install roofing insulation with the maximum insulation value.

Dust from Celotex-style insulation, which is often cut with a handsaw, can be very damaging for installers and result in them needing to wear masks and dust protection. Plunge saws reduce the amount of airborne dust, making it a much safer option.

  1. Cut laminates without damage and fuss

Wood with laminate coatings is often used in very visible ways, like on worktops and doors, so scratching it while cutting can lead to unhappy clients, delays, and material wastage.

Ordinarily, tricks of the trade are used to protect the high-gloss appearance of laminate while cutting it, but this can take extra time to perfect.

With a Scheppach plunge saw and guide rails, you can skip all of the preparation stages and simply measure and cut.

The superior accuracy and stability of the sets will ensure the appearance of the laminate is protected, while the wood is cut smoothly.

  1. Easily trim sticky doors

If you are a joiner, it’s likely you hang a lot of internal doors or have done in the past.

While they can completely change the appearance of a home, they are prone to sticking on deep carpets.

Have you ever thought about planing it without taking it down?

Plunge saws allow you to trim a few millimetres easily and quickly from the door, while it remains in place- saving you bags of time!

Ask the plunge saw experts

Whether you are new to power saws or are an old-hand looking to upgrade your current equipment, you can browse our full range of Scheppach plunge saws and accessory packs to find one that is perfect for you!

If you have any questions, you can speak to one of our friendly experts by calling 01539 733 774. Alternatively, you can fill in our enquiry form and we will get back to you as soon as we can.